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Hold description:

Stand facing partner about six inches apart. The man should place his R hand on the lady's back under her L shoulder blade, holding her R hand in his L hand with the arms gently curved and the hands just above waist level. The lady will rest her L arm lightly on the man's R arm, following the curve of his arm to the shoulder.

Commence in Closed Facing Position, weight on RF Commence in Closed Facing Position, weight on LF

Man's Steps

Commence in Closed Facing Position, weight on RF

1. Feet:LF back in Fallaway turning lady to R Turn:1/8 to L on 1 Count:1 Rhythm Q
2. Feet:Replace weight forward to RF in PP, commencing to turn Lady to L. Turn:Commencing to turn R. Count:2 Rhythm Q
3-5. Feet:LF to side to chasse L.R.L., continuing to turn lady to L. Turn:Continuing to turn R, completing 1/8 over steps 2-5 Count:3a4 Rhythm QaQ
6-8. Feet:RF to side to chasse, R.L.R. Turn:Nil Count:3a4 Rhythm QaQ End in Closed Facing Position.

Lady's Steps

Commence in Closed Facing Position, weight on LF

1. Feet:RF back in Fallaway Turn:1/4 to R. Count:1 Rhythm Q
2. Feet:Replace weight forward to LF in PP Turn:Commencing to turn L. Count:2 Rhythm Q
3-5. Feet:RF to side to chasse R.L.R. Turn:Continuing to turn completing 1/4 to L over steps 2-5 Count:3a4 Rhythm QaQ
6-8. Feet:LF to side to chasse L.R.L. Turn:Nil Count:3a4 Rhythm QaQ End in Closed Facing Position.
